Smoked Tuna Dip/Salad.
One of our most popular recipes. I became a huge seller as an equally delicious, low calorie alternative. We introduced the “Skinny Dip,”™ a low-fat version of The Original Recipe™, in the mid -1990s.
A four-ounce serving contains 1.5 grams of fat and 20 grams of protein. We swore we’d never come out with anything that tasted like a shoebox. Most of the people who have tasted this don’t even realize it’s low-fat, and we cut the calories by 70% and the calories from fat by 97%…
- Servings 2 (1/2 cup /118g)
- Calories 130
- Protein 20g
- Servings per container 2
- Calories from fat 10